Well this session we are going to be doing a few things differently. For starters we will not all be working on the same project at the same time. Today we started 2 new projects: Melted Crayon Art & Large 3D letters. Due to a limited amount of supplies only 2-3 students can work at a time. For example: there are only 3 heat guns so only 3 students can do the melted crayon art at a time. So it means that the students are spread out among 3 different classrooms and may have to wait for me to come around if you have any questions.
This week we also took a look at a new artist:
Jackson Pollock
Jackson Pollock was an American Painter from the 50's. He was a major artist in the Abstract Expressionism movement. He was a "drip" style artist, with extra large canvas that he painted on the floor instead of on an easel. Here is a few photos of Jackson Pollock painting.
And here are a 2 of my favourite Jackson Pollock paintings:
Alchemy (1947)
Full Fathom Five (1947)
It's unfortunate that Jackson Pollock died at the age of 44 (1956) in a car accident. I would've loved to see what else he would've painted in the 1960's.
In our first Art Club class we voted on what we should call our artist groups. Since it was a tie vote twice, we brought in another student to break the vote. We will officially call our groups after the Divergent Factions. Groups will be named:
"Amity farm the land. They are all about kindness, and harmony, always happy"
(Amity - Divergent Wiki)
"The smart ones, the ones value knowledge and logic are Erudite. They know everything."
(Erudite - Divergent Wiki)
"The factualness, the ones who don't fit anywhere."
(Factualness - Divergent Wiki)
Since I did not have a chance to photograph last week's sketchbook winners I will post them with this weeks winners in next weeks blog. However I have not posted the sketchbook winners from our first sketchbook assignment: draw something with a triangle shape.
Here are the sketchbook winners from our first sketchbook assignment:
Winner from the "Amity" group
Winner from the "Erudite" group
Winner from the "Factionless" group
This week's sketchbook assignment is to draw a stack of teacups.
If you need inspiration, check here:
This stack is the type I'm looking for. They have a 3D look like the teacups really do sit inside each other.
This stack of tea cups are flat and straight. Try to make your stack of tea cups look more "real".
My last bit of advice is the differences between a teacup and a coffee mug.
A teacup is smaller in height, rounded near the bottom, has a shaped handle and a saucer to rest on.
A coffee mug is taller, with straight sides and simple handle.
Remember when making you stacks the "Rule of Odds", so I should see stacks of 3, 5 or more! Happy drawing!!