Work is coming along quite nicely on our faux stain glass. But I forgot to take photos again. We have been so busy in class that it keeps slipping my mind until I sit down to work on the blog. So I can't promise but I hope to have the pictures for next week.
This week we started our class off with a warm up with Disney drawing. I chose a video of a Disney animator that showed us how to draw:
Here is the video just in case you would like to draw him again.
Here are everyone's drawings.
I think you all did an amazing job drawing Pluto!
Our sketchbook assignment last week was to:
"draw a key"
Here is what you came up with:
Beauty and the Beast Group
Finding Dory Group
Wall.E Group
Here we are telling our stories about what we drew, and why it is a "key" that is outside the box. Sometimes the stories are the best part!
And our Winners:
A Harry Potter Port Key
An Old Fashion Skeleton Key
Key Elements
Next week's sketchbook assignment is to:
"Draw a DREAM"