Thursday, November 13, 2014

November 6

Sorry for the last minute post from our last class. It's amazing how fast a 5 day weekend can go.....
Last week we started our class off with a shadow drawing tutorial.

Then we drew a few apples using the same techniques. We've talked almost every class about shading and the importance it can bring to every piece of art work. 

We started practicing pressure of our pencils as well as adding high lights and low lights. I took everyones sketchbooks and doodled shapes in them. Our sketchbook assignment is to colour each space with a colour and ensure that you use high lights and shadows in each space. This will lead into future projects that are coming up.

Other than our beginning drawing, we worked on our mask assignments again. 
Next class will be our last class to finish up our masks.
 I will also be taking photos of the masks as well as the kids wearing their masks for our blog. 

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