Sunday, May 17, 2015

May 14

This week we had a guest artist come in and teach us about clay. 

We would like to thank Mary for coming in and teaching us how to create some beautiful clay cabins.

They look amazing and weren't even that hard to make. Here are a few photos from last class.

I unfortunately can't show you the final results because Mary took the cabins with her. They need to dry for a few days and then be put into a ceramic kiln for firing. We should get the finished clay cabins back before our final Spring Art Show in June. 

Sketchbooks this week were very well done, which makes it yet another hard decision to pick this week's winners. But here they are:

Ravenclaw's Winner

Hufflepuff's Winner

Gryffindor has 2 winner's. Great job girls - I totally didn't see this coming!

Next week's sketchbook assignment is to draw a hat. Any kind of hat! Here is a little inspiration:

Can't wait to see how creative you can be. Try to think outside of the box!!

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