Thursday, May 5, 2016

May 4th - Thank You

I've been a bit of a scatter brain for the last couple of weeks and keep forgetting to go back to the Art Room to collect our pieces the next morning. This week I walked into the Art Room and was shocked in both a good way but also a bad way. The Art Room looked amazing! Someone had taken the time to clean off all the counters, tables, and the mess (not made by the Art Club) was all gone. It sure made me smile. But then I realized that the art work from the Art Club that I forgot to collect was also "gone", and I started to panic. There were 2 artist pinwheels that were in final stages of completion that were no where to be found. I went to talk to our principal and she had let me know that the Grade 7's and herself took the time to clean the Art Room. And that since a few of the Grade 7's are in Art Club they took the missing pieces and put them into our storage cupboard to keep them safe. I was so happy and honoured by this that I wanted to say a huge Thank you to our principal and all the Grade 7's for cleaning the Art Room. 

And an even bigger Thank you to the Grade 7's that helped take the time to ensure that the Art Club work was safe.

I can't say it enough, how much all my little artist make me so proud each and every week. Thank you again.

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