Wednesday, June 8, 2016

June 2 - Last Class

Well it's all over folks. Classes have ended for this year. Thank you to all my dedicated students this year. It was an honour to teach you. And you, your family and friends are all invited to stop by the Art Room to see what we have been up to this year.

And we even invited the Westlock News this time. Fingers crossed that they will join us too!

In our last class we finally got to figure out the phrase for the Art Room

It took about 7 minutes and only 1 hint to figure out that it spells:

Creativity takes Courage

Here are the winners from the last sketchbook assignment: "The Dreaded Selfie"

Team Emma:

Team Hook

Team Rumplestiltskin

Team Regina

Now it's time to focus on handing in everything for the up coming Art Show. Please hand in all 'unfinished' art works, as well as sketchbooks (with favourite drawings) to me by Monday.

See you all on Thursday for the show!!

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