Tuesday, May 26, 2015

May 21

This week's sketchbook assignment was to draw a hat. The kids drew all kinds of hats. I'm so proud of everyones creativity. Here are this week's winners

Gryffindor's Winner

Ravenclaw's Winner

Hufflepuff's Winner

And here is my hat:

Dates to Remember:

We only have 2 more classes (May 28 & June 4).

 There will be no class on June 11. 

Spring Art Show will be on 
June 18th 1:00 - 6:00pm

This week in class we continued to finish up projects that are in progress. A few artists finished up their Funko Pop cans. Most of the artists are working on their wire and pantyhose sculptures.
Next week I'll put up lists of the projects that are still in need of being finished.

This week's sketchbook assignments were quotes that I have asked the kids to draw. Then I let the kids pick one for me. Here will be my quote to draw this week:

"Sometimes following your heart means losing your mind"

Sunday, May 17, 2015

May 14

This week we had a guest artist come in and teach us about clay. 

We would like to thank Mary for coming in and teaching us how to create some beautiful clay cabins.

They look amazing and weren't even that hard to make. Here are a few photos from last class.

I unfortunately can't show you the final results because Mary took the cabins with her. They need to dry for a few days and then be put into a ceramic kiln for firing. We should get the finished clay cabins back before our final Spring Art Show in June. 

Sketchbooks this week were very well done, which makes it yet another hard decision to pick this week's winners. But here they are:

Ravenclaw's Winner

Hufflepuff's Winner

Gryffindor has 2 winner's. Great job girls - I totally didn't see this coming!

Next week's sketchbook assignment is to draw a hat. Any kind of hat! Here is a little inspiration:

Can't wait to see how creative you can be. Try to think outside of the box!!

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

May 7

This week we will be worked on the details for our Wire sculptures. These are almost finished and starting to look great. We can now start to finish off all of our unfinished projects. 

Here is a list of project that we have done this session.

1. Candy Collage (finished)
2. Funko Pop Cans 
3. Wire Hashtags
4. Photo Challenge
5. Pantyhose Sculptures

If there are enough people that complete the work we may still have time for one last quick project to do. But we will have to wait and see how things go. I believe there are still six people that are working on the Funko Pop can project still. 

Don't forget to email or bring your photo for the Photo Challenge into class for me to get printed for our Art show. Email them to: stonesinc@yahoo.com or bring them in on a USB card and I can upload them.

Plus next week we have another guest artist in our classroom. Mary will be coming in to teach us all about clay. Mary will be showing us some simple techniques to make beautiful clay cabins. I can't wait to see how these turn out.

Here are this week's sketchbook winners!!

Ravenclaw's Winner

Hufflepuff's Winner

Gryffindor's Winner

And here is my shoe (plus my inspiration):

I would love Disney to create all these shoe ornaments into real shoes I can wear! Two of my favourite things in one; shoes & Disney!

Next week's sketchbook assignment is to draw a board game of any kind. But remember if you draw a deck of cards I should be able to tell by the drawing what kind of game you are playing. Here is some inspiration for you:

Let's see what you can come up with. Happy Drawing!!

April 30

I do apologize for not writing the blog for the past couple of weeks. It has been very busy around our house between band and dance. So let's catch up on what we have been up to in the Art room with Art Club.

On April 30 we started a new project with wood, wire, and pantyhose. I know it's a weird collection of items but they turn out very interesting in the end. Here is the example that sparked this project:

We started by stapling a 10' piece of wire to a wooden square block, then each student twisted and bent the wire in any way that they wanted. When they were done bending the wire into the shape they liked we covered it in pantyhose. This is when the true shape starts to take shape. They then went back to the drawing board so to speak, re-shaping the wire into a shape they found.

 Some found amazing things. Here are a few things they found:

A Cobra

A Rose with petals

A Ghost

Here is my sample with just a base coat on it. At first it kind of looks like a bunny.:

And here is the finished product:

Turns out my sculpture looked more like a puppy dog.

Last week's sketchbook assignment was to create an original Super Hero Symbol. Here are the winners.

Ravenclaw's Winner

Hufflepuff's Winner:

Gryffindor's Winner

This week's sketchbook assignment was to take a name and mirror it on the page. Then find something other than a bug to make it look like. Here is a sample:

I will need to photograph the winners and post them next week. For some reason in all our excitement they photos didn't get taken.

Sketchbook homework for next week is to draw a shoe. I thought we would do something a little simple for once. You can draw any kind of shoe you would like. Design a shoe, a shoe that you love to wear, and expensive shoe you would like to own one day, any shoe you like.