Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Halloween Door Decorating Contest

The Halloween Door Decorating Contest

This week we had a few of our Art Club artists ask our Principal if we could be a part of the school's Halloween Door Decorating contest. And she said that yes we were welcome to do the Art Room door. So they grabbed a few of the art club members they could find to start brain storming ideas.

Of course this was all done without me knowing a thing at first. I did get to help give ideas for the door from a subject they had in mind. I'm so glad they took our Art Club theme to inspire our door design. Then they sat down to figure out who will make which parts, and started working.

Here is the finished door for the contest!

My mind is blown that 1 artist started this, 
then it became 4 artists to work out the plan. 
Then it grew again to include 8 of you working together to create the finished piece. 

I'm very impressed and proud of all of you! 
The door looks amazing!

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