Sunday, March 19, 2017

March 16th

Time to start a new project! Our second project is going to be:

Faux Stained Glass

I first showed the artists some of the stained glass that we saw when we went to Spain last year with our school band.

But here are a few more modern ideas that maybe a good starting point to think about.

This project was inspired by a pin I found on Pinterest, which I pinned into our Art Club board. If you are curious how we are doing this, check it out! 

4 artists have made their designs and have completed stage one of this project already.

Ying Yang

Dove with Cross

Adidas Symbol

A Horse

Our sketchbook assignment last week was to draw something you can't live without. Here are our winners:

Beauty & the Beast:

3D Air

Finding Dory:

Your Heart


Air or Water

I'm surprised all the winners drew inside the box. Maybe next week will be different. Next week's sketchbook assignment is to:

Draw Something that makes Sound!

Monday, March 13, 2017

March 9

The day has finally arrived!! Today is the day we get to trade our Artist Trading Cards!!

Here the finished collections before we trade them with each other:

Alice in Wonderland

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them

The Universe

Famous Landmarks

The Arts (Art & Music)

Sports Equipment

Interior Designs



Somehow I forgot to photograph my collection that I made especially for the artists. I'll try to see if I can still get a pic of a few.

Here are the sketchbooks from last week's assignment to: 

"Draw A Box"

Beauty & the Beast:

Finding Dory:


And the Winners are:

Beauty & the Beast

Finding Dory


Next week's sketchbook assignment is to:

Draw Something That You Can't Live Without!

March 2

Today is the last class to work on our Artist Trading Cards. If you are not finished you are welcome to work on them at home. We will be trading them first thing next class. 

I know some artists have completed their cards and are welcome to start the session challenge. 

Which is:

I would like each artist to participate in the session challenge at any time you are between projects. I would like you to draw something square into each box. Try to think of something that I would not have. Any square that you draw that is the same as my sheet will be eliminated from the challenge. Any square not eliminated will earn points. Artist with the highest points will win a prize. So try and get as creative as possible!

Our warm up lesson this week was 2 point perspective to draw a box.

This goes along with this week's sketchbook assignment! I would like you to:

Draw a Box!

How's that for irony! Each week I ask you to "Think Outside The Box". Now I'm asking you to draw box, but think outside of it! I wonder what you will come up with?