Sunday, March 19, 2017

March 16th

Time to start a new project! Our second project is going to be:

Faux Stained Glass

I first showed the artists some of the stained glass that we saw when we went to Spain last year with our school band.

But here are a few more modern ideas that maybe a good starting point to think about.

This project was inspired by a pin I found on Pinterest, which I pinned into our Art Club board. If you are curious how we are doing this, check it out! 

4 artists have made their designs and have completed stage one of this project already.

Ying Yang

Dove with Cross

Adidas Symbol

A Horse

Our sketchbook assignment last week was to draw something you can't live without. Here are our winners:

Beauty & the Beast:

3D Air

Finding Dory:

Your Heart


Air or Water

I'm surprised all the winners drew inside the box. Maybe next week will be different. Next week's sketchbook assignment is to:

Draw Something that makes Sound!

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