Monday, March 13, 2017

March 2

Today is the last class to work on our Artist Trading Cards. If you are not finished you are welcome to work on them at home. We will be trading them first thing next class. 

I know some artists have completed their cards and are welcome to start the session challenge. 

Which is:

I would like each artist to participate in the session challenge at any time you are between projects. I would like you to draw something square into each box. Try to think of something that I would not have. Any square that you draw that is the same as my sheet will be eliminated from the challenge. Any square not eliminated will earn points. Artist with the highest points will win a prize. So try and get as creative as possible!

Our warm up lesson this week was 2 point perspective to draw a box.

This goes along with this week's sketchbook assignment! I would like you to:

Draw a Box!

How's that for irony! Each week I ask you to "Think Outside The Box". Now I'm asking you to draw box, but think outside of it! I wonder what you will come up with?

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